Easy Steps: Face Contouring for Beginners!

Publish date: written by Rahaf Ahmad
Easy Steps: Face Contouring for Beginners! with ArabicCoupon

In recent times, facial contouring with makeup has become more and more popular, many women have realized that it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon for modern makeup, they can also do professional makeup at home! Today we will help you with that and will give you basic tips and tricks for contouring makeup at home in the following order:

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What is a face contour?

The idea of ​​contouring the face depends on correcting the features and shape of the face using special makeup through certain methods, and the most prominent of these products besides the contour of the face is the highlighter, blusher and the right makeup brushes so that you get the most beautiful and wonderful results without the need for Photoshop.
Face contouring makeup will help to hide facial imperfections and emphasize the most attractive points, for example making the nose narrower or shorter, showing the cheekbones/jaw and making the face visually thinner.

How do you choose the type of face contour?

First of all, you need to decide if you are going to use a powder contour or a cream contour, we recommend using contour powder if you have oily skin and a creamy contour if your skin is dry, in this case the colors will be better and softer on the face for a more beautiful and flawless makeup .

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How do you choose the color of the face contour?

It is also important to choose the right shades of light and dark colors for contouring with makeup according to the following tips:

  • Light shades of contour should be a little lighter than your skin tone and foundation, only 2-3 shades.
  • The darker shade of the contour should be the same color as your tan, or slightly darker than your skin but not too prominent.
  • The shade of the highlighter, in order to get a natural and distinctive makeup, all you have to do is choose the color of the highlighter that matches your skin tone, for example if you have white skin, then silver or pink shades are best suited for you, but if your skin is dark and tanned, then the golden highlighter is perfect for you.
  • The color of the blush, it is always recommended that the blusher matches the color of your lips to get a bright look.

What do you need to make a professional face contour?

  • Contour powder (light and dark face powder)
  • Make-up Contour & Palette
  • highlighter
  • blasher
  • Makeup brush or makeup sponge

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Is it possible to find all the contouring makeup in one package?

Yes, for your convenience most of the time you will find all these products in one package, as many famous brands release the face contour makeup you need in one package, so you will find them in our article Top 5 Face Contour Makeup Palettes.

How to apply contour for beginners?

Preparing the skin to start contouring the face

Clean your face and moisturize it with cream, adding a little primer to get a healthy glow, taking care of applying the foundation cream that matches your skin tone all over the face evenly, and using concealer under the eyes.

Lightening certain areas of the face

Take a light powder contour and apply it to the "T" area, and under the eyes in a triangle shape (as shown in the image below).
Note: The "T" zone is the central part of the forehead and bridge of the nose

Darkening certain areas of the face

  • Using a large contour brush, draw a wide line just below the cheekbones, making sure not to go into the blush area, as the line should end in a triangle to make the face thinner.
  • The next step is to darken the side line of the jaw, you need to draw a small line with dark powder down the sides of the jaw (as shown in the picture)
  • Also apply thin lines on the sides of the nose from the dark powder, as this will visually correct the nose and make it smaller.
  • Add some dark pigment on the top of the forehead on the left and right sides - small lines as shown in the picture -


Using a special brush or fingers only (according to your preference) is all you need to apply the blush on the middle of the cheeks (if the texture is creamy, the blush can be used the same color on the lips for maximum consistency).


  • To give the face a healthy glow and a fresh look, apply a little highlighter to the cheekbones (as shown in the photo).
  • To make your eyes look bigger and more expressive, add a little highlighter in the area below the eyebrow, where the eye and nose meet, and in the middle of the upper eyelid (as shown in the photo).
  • Also add a thin line of highlighter on the nose, without touching the tip and this step will visually shorten the nose,
  • But if a little of it is placed on the tip of the chin, it will lengthen, raise the face and make it smaller.
  • If you want to visually enlarge your lips, apply a small dot of highlighter to the floret - the area under the nose above the lip -.

Blending face contour makeup

You have to be careful and careful when applying all the makeup of the shadows and contour of the face so that it is transparent, taking care not to leave any visible visible boundaries through smooth transitions. To do this, you can use makeup brushes or makeup sponges - whichever you prefer with the need to change or clean the brush after each different color to avoid mess and wrong blending.

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How to make a contour?

In the following picture, you will find the steps for applying the face contour correctly to get a professional makeup

How to do contouring with pictures - Face contouring for beginners

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Simple steps you should know to make a face contour for beginners, with ways to choose the type & color of contour with the most appropriate face contour makeup

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Simple steps you should know to make a face contour for beginners, with ways to choose the type & color of contour with the most appropriate face contour makeup